These days, people tend to finish school, get job, buy a car, get married, have a couple kids and a few more cars, change jobs several times, move a time or two, buy a house or a condo and still wonder… what if I’d done it differently? Or, how in the world can I escape all this stuff?
We wanted more out of life after forty. We learned to expect less too. We chucked everything and moved to paradise. Our new book about our career makeover, There’s a Yacht More to Life, comes out this fall, so watch for it.
We went from corporate jobs to a grass hut to running megayachts for millionaires. At times, we lowered our expectations to the depths of our souls, weathered twelve hurricanes and hosted 100-plus yacht charters, outlived three firings, endured five resignations, even survived life in a van without divorcing—all the while looking for that perfect job. - Cynthia Zvanut Hovey
Check out our website at www.wincynbook.com to see if we found it, and how you might find yours.
COMING THIS FALL..Our new book, There's a Yacht More to Life
Sign up now and receive Chapter 2 free, learn how we got our first island job!
“The cost of a thing is the amount of life required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run. When one has obtained those essentials necessary for well-being―food, shelter, warmth, and clothing―there is an alternative to struggling through steel jungles for the luxuries. That’s to adventure on life itself, one’s vacation from humble toil having commenced." Col. Townsend Whelen 1877 - 1961