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Researching Yachting Careers?

If you’re curious about a career in yachting, searching the Internet is your best bet, and there are wonderful resources available.  Assess your skills and decide, first, if you’d like to work as part of a larger crew, or run a yacht with just yourself and one other person, like we prefer. Here are a few sources we’ve used that might help get you started. 

Publications and Websites

DOCKWALK – “The essential site for captains and crew,” a monthly online magazine great for beginners.  You will be asked to register and can do so under the category “Looking for work.” Read DOCKWALK cover to cover to get broad insight into crew business, job postings and yachting issues.


Triton – “the voice of the community of people who earn their living working on yachts,” is another monthly magazine covering yachting news, day work, classifieds, business directory and upcoming events, etc.



Research a maritime training center in your area. Any professional training you do furthers your employment opportunities.  There are many organizations providing information, even on which courses to take if you want a certain position on a yacht. Courses range from one day to several weeks, depending on your interests.


Maritime Professional Training in Fort Lauderdale offers all levels of maritime certifications and licenses.  Winston received his credentials from MPT.  On the other coast in San Diego, Maritime Institute provided my captain training. U.S. Coast Guard recreational boating safety courses are also a good resource, and offer all levels of certification and licenses.



Crew Placement Agencies:

There are many good crew agencies, most based in Fort Lauderdale. Each has its own guidelines, and some require a fee. Search the web, but here are a handful of agencies that were informative, helpful to us personally and referred us to a few of our crew positions: (Seattle based)​


Good luck on all your adventures, and keep us posted!

"The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change."

—Richard Bach

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