Winston and I can hardly believe it! As of November 1, 2018, we officially became published authors. When we think about the four years of outlining and changing and adding to and outlining again, and then writing and writing and writing, and finally editing and editing and editing (with lots of pitching and deleting of entire segments (of our lives, really!), we were finally ready for a publisher to see it. That was last April.
Here we are now, after many more months of editing and choosing photos and creating the website and finding a million mistakes at least, we put the baby to bed.
And here she is, right there on Amazon! We couldn't be prouder of our accomplishment. We hope "There's a Yacht More to Life" inspires others to watch for (and grab at) opportunities to enrich their own lives. That was our goal.
Which leads me to ponder this great quote from Richard Bach's Illusions, "Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't."
So Winston and I have finished this mission... Wonder what's in store for us next...
Any ideas???? for the book!
NOW AVAILABLE...Our new book, There's a Yacht More to Life
Sign up now and receive Chapter 2 free, learn how we got our first island job!