Busy, tiny pack rats are said to stow every little thing they find into their underground nest, whether they need it or not, whether it fits them or not, whether they'll ever use it or not... Don't pack your suitcase like one.
Winston and I on our way to a funeral across the country: Five days.Two people. One small, black nylon, carry-on duffle bag and one shoulder satchel. One pair trousers and shirt, one pair slacks and tunic top and flats, two pair jeans, two t-shirts, four sets underwear, two pair sunglasses plus the clothes, jackets, boat shoes and Uggs we wore on the plane.
We’re on our way to Belize: Seven Days. Two people. Same small, black nylon, carry-on duffle bag and one yellow net snorkel equipment bag. One dress, two pair shorts, four swimsuits, one cover up, four tops, three sets quick-dry underwear, two pair sun glasses, two pair flip flops and two sets masks, fins, snorkels. Plus a tropical fish ID book. Oh yes, and a rhinestone crown because it was my birthday. And the casual clothes we traveled in.
We’re moving onto a yacht for six months: Two Kipling standard duffel suitcases on wheels, mine red, Winston’s blue, and one carry-on shoulder satchel. Eight pair shorts, Eight t-shirts, six sets underwear, one dress, one pair slacks, PJ’s (for me), boat shoes, flip flops, foul weather jackets, iphones/computer/iPad/electronic cords, Bose speaker and charger, menus/recipe book, several can’t-live-without pans and galley tools. That's it.
If we can do it for six months, you can do it for a week or two. Pack your suitcase, carry it around the block five times, then repack it with just what you need. Works every time. (One hint: ignore most of those toiletries... they weigh a ton! Limit yourself to filling only one gallon ziplock bag.)
Winston Hovey and Cynthia Zvanut Hovey transformed their desire to simplify their lives and be free of all their “stuff” into a mutual second career in paradise, first running a pirate bar and then as crew on megayachts. Their new book, "There's a Yacht More to Life," spans 25 years of their adventurous career makeover. For more information contact Winston and Cynthia at wincyn@wincynbook.com

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